A free source codes library for the open world! Find snippets and examples for popular programming languages including PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, Vue.js, and more.
Find the 5 lines of source code necessary to implement your innovative software solutions or fix your debug endeavours. This website offers a collection of snippets and tutorials to get things running now!
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
Linus Torvalds
Discover the free source codes and open source snippets library for developers. It helps you create, manage and organize your own personal snippet collection and access it quickly and from anywhere.
This app allows you to write in Markdown and provides support for syntax highlighting, tables, list and other formatting. We allow you to make a presentation or a tutorial out of several snippets. It’s great for teachers, but also for developers. Use it in your classroom, in your team meetings or conferences or simply organize your snippets collection.
Our team works to share the best free code snippets and web development resources online. We create free, downloadable code snippets and provide tutorials on software development to help agencies and developers learn to build the future of technology!
We are very excited to present this platform and hope for the success of it. In case you missed it, this project is non-lucrative, please do not send us any partnership e-mails!
Open source is a beautiful way to collaborate
Grégory Saive
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